Yamim Noraim with the Maggid

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Yamim Noraim with the Maggid


Product InformationYamim Noraim with the MaggidElevating stories and insights from Elul through Yom KippurHardcover | 6″ x 9″ | 398 PagesWritten by: Rabbi Paysach KrohnPublished by: Artscroll Mesorah PublicationsAbout this BookRabbi Paysach Krohn has been inspiring us for close to four decades, through his brilliant speeches and his beloved, bestselling books. Now, the famed “American Maggid” shows us how to take advantage of the infinite spiritual opportunities in the days between Rosh Chodesh Elul and Yom Kippur.In Yamim Noraim with the Maggid, Rabbi Krohn shares brief but powerful ideas culled from a large variety of Torah sources. And, of course, he brings those ideas to life through stories and parables told in his inimitable style.• An Israeli Air Force pilot fights to keep his plane from crashing … and learns a lesson in emunah.• Why did the famed Ronnie Greenwald buy an extra bus ticket every week … and what can we all learn from his actions?• How did the words “I’m sorry” lead to a wonderful shidduch?Yamim Noraim with the Maggid includes fascinating insights into the month of Elul, Selichos, Rosh Hashanah, Tzom Gedaliah, Aseres Yemei Teshuvah, and Yom Kippur, as well as commentary on select portions of the Machzor.In generations past, maggidim traveled from place to place during this period, inspiring listeners to higher spiritual accomplishment. Like those maggidim of old, in Yamim Noraim with the Maggid Rabbi Krohn guides us, filling us with hope for the blessings of a new year and confidence in our power to return to Hashem and realize our vast potential for greatness.

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Yamim Noraim with the Maggid

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